The monitoring directory is optimized for use with Firefox 3+ or Internet Explorer 8+
1. I am affiliated with (check all that apply):
State Agency
Federal Agency
Local Agency
Water/Drainage Agency
Local Watershed Group Member
Citizen's Monitoring
Educational Institute
2. I work—or am interested—in the following areas (check all that apply):
Sacramento River Watershed
San Joaquin River Watershed
Tulare Basin
3. If you or your organization conduct surface water ambient monitoring, the purpose of the effort can best be described as (check all that apply):
Regulatory Compliance (WDRs; TMDLs; etc.)
Source Water Protection (Water Supply Agencies; Campgrounds; etc.)
General or Issue Specific (Trend Monitoring; Influence Management Decision and/or Policy; etc.)
4. Will you likely use the Monitoring Directory? Yes No Maybe
5. If you answered Yes or Maybe to question 4, please answer the following:
a) I will enter my program's information into the directory. Yes No Maybe
b) I will use the directory to help me plan a future monitoring activity for my program. Yes No Maybe
c) I will use the directory to help me facilitate collaboration with other groups. Yes No Maybe
d) I will use the directory to help me find out how to find available monitoring data. Yes No Maybe
e) I will use the directory to help me compile information for a report. Yes No Maybe
f) Other:
6. If you answered No to question 4, please answer the following:
a) The information in the directory is not helpful or relevant to my job Yes No Maybe
b) Significant improvements need to be made in order for the directory to be useful Yes No Maybe
c) Other:
7. Please rank which of the following updates to the Monitoring Directory would help you do your job better:
a) Provide more data selection options (e.g., select only by year or by county) High Medium Low
b) Improve general website navigation (e.g., sorting, speed, organization) High Medium Low
c) Improve mapping features (e.g., load speed, magnification, icons) High Medium Low
d) Improve data entry features (e.g., enable file uploading) High Medium Low
e) Improve print or excel download capabilities High Medium Low
8. Please provide any other comments below:
9. Enter your email address (optional):
10. To prevent spam, what is the sum of 2 + 2?: